Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Wiki
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, lit. "I Have Few Friends"), or Haganai (はがない) is a Japanese light novel series written by Yomi Hirasaka, illustrated by Buriki, and published by Media Factory. The story revolves around Kodaka Hasegawa, a transfer student to St. Chronica's Academy. As with every other school he has ever attended, he finds it difficult to make friends there because of his naturally-blond hair (inherited from his deceased English mother) and fierce-looking eyes, which make him look threatening to his prejudiced schoolmates.

One day, Kodaka accidentally comes across the equally solitary and very abrasive Yozora Mikazuki while she converses with her imaginary friend Tomo. Realizing that neither of them have any social lives, they decide that the best way to improve their situation is to form a club – the Neighbor's Club (隣人部, Rinjin-bu) – with the intention of making friends and learning social skills.

Light Novel




Light Novel

Light Novel

Meet the Neighbor's Club
Featured Media
Haganai Live-action film teaser trailer Haganai NEXT: English Dub Trailer
Featured Poll
  • Volume 10 of the light novels of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai has been confirmed. Light novel cover previewed as well. Read here .
  • English-dubbed version of season 2 of the anime of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai is now available. Clink link for more information.
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- Boonerski

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